1 He is the spiritual leader of his family so he must encourage his wife and children to participate in the family prayer time. This is the foundation of a good marriage. The reality we have in our society is that some men engage in infidelity so they are separated from God and are not able to be the spiritual leaders of the home. If the wife steps in, the family may be salvaged but if the wife is also not a praying woman that may be the beginning of challenges in the marriage.
A solid spiritual foundation is the bedrock of most healthy marriages.
2 A husband should be intentional about living in positive mindset and attitude. He should love himself and inspite of the stress attendant to looking for money to fund family expenses he should be in inner peace and harmony so he can have the ability to love his wife and children. A good husband should be interested in his wives spiritual mental emotional and physical wellbeing.
3 He must work hard to be able to fend for his family. This includes living within his means and if his wife is also a hard worker encourage her to also support the family needs. Some men are not able to take care of family expenses and they begin to have low self – esteem and instead of appreciating his wife who is helping, he becomes antagonist and this causes a lot of stress and toxicity in the marriage. He should be able to encourage his wife to also live within their means.
4 A good husband prioritizes the health of his family and encourages his wife to feed the family with healthy foods and also invests in personal development of all family members.
5 He is not very judgemental and do not easily find faults. He lovingly corrects his wife and encourages her to improve herself and do better.
6 He realizes his wife has strengths and weaknesses so he is able to focus mostly on her strengths and deemphasize her weaknesses.
7 He creates time for bonding with his wife, his children, and the extended family and encourages frank and honest conversations to resolve issues before they are escalated.
9 He is intentional about relationships and keeps in touch with family members and his in– laws.
10 He encourages his wife to live her best life, live her passion and purpose. He does not take over her life.
11 He gets involved in the upbringing and Lives of his children and makes out time to attend school activities.
12 A good husband realizes that women enjoy being loved and pampered. He must endeavor to be romantic and make his wife emotionally fulfilled.
13, A, good husband realizes his wife is not a sexual object but treats, her like a, queen and romantically makes love to her so she can be fulfilled.
14 He sets realistic rules for the marriage as unrealistic rules will easily be broken.
15 He should mind the company he keeps. Some men are very irresponsible and do not have any respect for their wives. He should avoid such company as they are bad role models for him.
16 Men shouud avoid strange women whose only purpose in life is to destroy the man and his marriage..
17 Men should learn how to deal with stubborn women who were, not taught from childhood to be respectful. You are the bridegroom which means groom your wife till she becomes a woman of your dream.
18 Some women are very stubborn and conflict prone and if they do not want to change you may think of a separation to protect your health and wellbeing and maybe she may re-evaluate and change so the marriage can work in the future.
19 Most men cannot keep an unfaithful wife. My advise is to engage a, life and marriage coach to share conversations with her with a view to identifying the root causes and help her stop the habit.
20 Encourage your spouse and you to listen to audio videos on how to build healthy relationships and marriages.
21 If your wife works or is in business do not insist she must cook all the time.
A good cook and suport staff are very useful in the home if the family can afford it.
22 I advise men to get their wives involved in their businesses at least let her be a signatory to the company account especially if she is a trusted woman.
23 Men should never beat their wives. I realise that some women are very provocative but please just leave the scene instead of physical abuse.
24 Some men mentally and emotionally traumatise their wives by the words they speak and their actions Men shouud be mindful of the words they speak to the wives.
25 In case of an inevitable separation the man should handle it with maturity to reduce toxicity and stress in the process of separation and divorce.
26 A good husband does, not complain about his wife to his psrents or siblings as that is very detrimental to the marriage.
27 Some siblings, of men especially unmarried sisters can be very problematic in marriages. Do not allow your siblings to be disrespectful or rude to your wife.
28 A good husband does not go clubbing every weekend.. He is not an alcoholic and smoking is detrimental to the man and his wife.
29 A good husband will not scream at his wife in front.of his children his home support staff his parents siblings and friends
30 A good husband will not entertain gossips from others especially women who are looking for someone to be with them in their unhappy zone.
31, A good husband loves music and often would create happy and memorable moments with his wife and children.
32 A, good husband shares his plans, his decisions with his wife so he can tap into the God’s given talent and wisdom of his wife.
33 please do not get so busy to forget to give your wife a good kiss letting her know how special she is.
34 Realize that you are not prefect. You can make mistakes. Let your mistakes be stepping stones to a more successful life.
35 Realize that marriage is a journey and committ to keep learning colloborating with your wife and be role models of a good couple preparing your children for successful relationships and marriages by God’s grace. Amen.